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Archives: Events

2021 Elections Review


Free webinair with Jackie Jones (ex-MEP, and candidate for Preseli Pembrokeshire constituency in the 2021 Senedd elections) and Peter Lamb (Leader of Crawley Council) The…


How Brexit Affects What I Eat and What I See


East Midlands European Movement invites you to our next Zoom meeting, with farmers, environmentalists and activists Liz Webster and Andrew Brown. To join the meeting,…


Workshop on Facebook advertising

Livia Pye and Scott Kimber (via London4Europe) invite you to the second instalment of their Facebook Fundamentals Workshops. This provides a good tour around what goes on…

Why should the UK rejoin Erasmus+ and how?


Late last year the UK Government went back on their earlier promise and announced that the UK would be leaving the Erasmus+ educational programme, and…


Whither Northern Ireland and Scotland?


Discussion on identity politics, trade and borders with a view to identifying constructive responses to the challenges of the Northern Ireland Protocol and the latest…

Stories of Brexit campaign action day


This Brexit deal has hit our people, our communities, and our economy hard. People like Willa, the businesswoman worried about future trade with Europe; Andrew, the farmer worried…

What next for EU citizens in the UK?

This roundtable brings academics and community leaders together following the 2021 elections and with only a month before the EU Settlement Scheme deadline. Prof Tanja…

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