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Archives: Events

Spotlight on British politics


The second UK in a Changing Europe Spotlight series examines the future of British politics, covering areas such as the May election results, lessons for the political…

Stories of Brexit campaign action day


This Brexit deal has hit our people, our communities, and our economy hard. People like Willa, the businesswoman worried about future trade with Europe; Andrew, the farmer worried…

What next for EU citizens in the UK?

This roundtable brings academics and community leaders together following the 2021 elections and with only a month before the EU Settlement Scheme deadline. Prof Tanja…

Saving Europe’s summer: mission impossible?


Questions to be addressed include: What are the major challenges to restore free travel in Europe? How can the EU ensure the harmonization of travel measures and strong cooperation between…

EU Citizens: 5 Years In Limbo


What has Brexit meant for EU citizens living in the UK and UK citizens living in the EU? Almost 5 years since the 2016 Referendum,…


How do we fix our broken democracy?


Every day it becomes more obvious that our first past the post system is not fit for purpose, Around sixty percent of the electorate are…


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