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Archives: Events

No More War Citizens Assembly


The war in Ukraine is reshaping in many ways the security, human rights, social and ecological contexts across Europe and the wider Mediterranean and Middle…


French Elections: Implications for Europe


Webinar: what does the French election mean for France – and for Europe's future? Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen will once again contest the…


The Economics of Brexit: What Have We Learned? conference

The Royal College of Surgeons of London 38-43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, United Kingdom

On January 1, 2021, the UK implemented the biggest changes to its trade policy in 40 years, as well as introducing an entirely new immigration…


Julian Priestley Memorial Lecture 2022

This year's lecture will be given by Dr Molly Scott-Cato, former Green Party MEP, Professor of Economics, and Senior Vice-chair of the European Movement. The…


POSTPONED: National Rejoin March

Please note this event has been POSTPONED until September - date to be confirmed. Please read the statement from the organisers here: The new…


Europe Day Picnic

Meet, give your picnic bag and chairs, etc, to a volunteer who will drive up with everything, walk c. 1 hour up to Ranmore viewpoint…

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